Helmsley Castle and Callum made a friend!


Callum made it to Helmsley Castle!

The first castle on the site was built around 1120. It was constructed of wood. 

In 1186 Robert de Roos, a relative of the original owner started work on converting the castle into a stone building.

William's son, Robert, inherited the castle and was Lord of Helmsley from 1258 to 1285. His marriage to Isabel d'Aubigny (heiress to Belvoir Castle) funded the building of the new hall and kitchen, as well as strengthening the castle.

The castle remained in the de Roos family until 1478 and between them the family members were responsible for building the castle's, towers, gateways, chapel and defenses.

In the southern part they built a new hall and the east tower in an area used as exclusively for the family; now granted the title 'Lords of Helmsley', and the northern half with the old hall was used by the castle's stewards and officials.

In 1478 the castle was sold to Richard, Duke of Gloucester; later Richard III, although he preferred to stay at Middleham Castle. 

After his death the castle was given back to the de Roos family and it was under Edward de Roos that the old hall on the north side was converted into a Tudor mansion and the chapel into a kitchen, linking the two by a covered walkway. He demolished the new hall and converted the south barbican to comfortable living quarters.

The castle suffered damage during the Civil War and was slighted with much of the eastern tower, its walls and gates being destroyed. 

Callum can't help but feel like he is being followed.

The castle then passed through more hands including those of the Lord Mayor of London, Charles Duncombe in 1678, and after being handed down again though his family was left uninhabited to decay.

Callum looked and looked to see if he could find who was following him.

Maybe, someone is up these stairs?

Or out among the statues?

There he is!

''Ready or not - Callum is going to catch you!''

Where did he go?

''Do you see him?''

Writing on the walls! 

Callum did not do that!

''Found you!''

''Come back!''

''Catch me if you can!'' says Patrick.

''You are so fast!'' says Callum.

''Now, I have got you!''

''What a great game!''

''Do you want to play again?''

''This time you have to catch me!''

Patrick and Callum are friends.

They both like to explore castles and play games.

Callum doesn't want to leave Patrick!

Callum is so happy Patrick agrees that he wants to come along and keep playing.

Callum and Patrick are off to find more castles!


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